Friday, August 22, 2008

11:03 pm

Brandon made it through the initial six hours without a hitch so he's up & ready to start the day. Too bad it 11:07 pm here & time for bed. He hasn't had any other reactions so we're very happy to have good news to report. Now it looks like our stay here will be longer since Brandon's last treatment was scrapped. I should know more about the scheduling either tomorrow or Monday. They really don't do a whole lot during the weekends. It's usually pretty quiet here. The cleaning ladies will still be knocking on our door at 8:00 in the morning wanting to clean to room. They are getting used to me turning them away but they still try to clean. We ask them to take out the trash & sweep - that's it. I brought disinfectant wipes from home so I can clean the room myself. Everyone of the floor believes that the cleaning ladies use the same rag on every room without using a cleaner or changing rags. That's pretty disgusting.... Brandon has to stay in the hospital tomorrow. In fact he can't leave the floor at all so it's going to be a pretty uneventful day. We try to relax but the nurses or cleaning ladies are in here quite often. They're having some sort of celebration here in the city & we have heard fireworks go off since 8 this morning. (nice alarm clock) Apparently they believe that if you shoot fireworks up to the Gods, then you will have wealth. Hopefully this is a once a year type of thing because the fireworks sounded like cars backfiring all day. Up on the 8th floor we were able to see them through out the area. Tonight after it got dark, it was nice to see the show. I took some pictures & managed to get one good one which I posted on here. In the picture above you can see them in the distance. It's nearly midnight & they're still going off. Probably won't get too much sleep tonight. Photo's: 1st - Brandon during the 6 hours of bed duty. He is only able to lay on his back or on his side. He cannot lift his head for the entire 6 hours nor can he use a pillow. 2nd - The view of the fireworks from our window. (Look above the neon sign - you can see the fireworks in the sky) 3rd - A picture of Nick taken yesterday at the hotel.

4:30 pm

Brandon had the spinal!! He got out of recovery about 30 minutes ago with a red rash on his face. The Dr's think he had an allergic reaction to either the anesthesia or the stem cells. Currently he is on oxygen & connected to a machine that constantly checks his vitals - just a precaution measure. We are so excited that they were able to do this spinal stem cell treatment! They did say that his intracranial pressure was still high despite changing the anesthesia and changing his body position. The next 2 days will determine whether he can have future spinals. As long as he doesn't have any spinal headaches or adverse reactions, we should be able to try it again. I feel as thought we have finally acomplished something here! Tonight we'll celebrate with "chicken" AND pizza!! The Dr's just came in and said that we won't be out of the woods for another 48 hours but so far so good. He's waking up more & playing with his cell phone. They're giving him plenty of fluids so he is having to pee in a duck urnal. He likes that! He said that he wanted to take it home so he could pee in bed. He really acts like his dad!! Photo's: 1st - We're taking Brandon to the operating room which is on the 4th floor. 2nd - The Dr's are taking him away! 3rd - Brandon back in the room hooked up to the machines as a precautionary measure.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

2:00 pm

Yesterday the Dr's came in with Kirshner. There's a Dr. here from another hospital that has more experience in giving spinals to children who have high intracranial pressure. After reviewing the MRI, he believes that with extreme caution, they can do a successful spinal on Brandon. So in less than an hour, they're going to give it a try. All the Dr's know that Brandon is high risk & hopefully they know what they're doing. We came here so Brandon could have spinals & we're extremely relieved now that they think it is still possible for him to have the procedure. The risks include severe spinal headache, vomiting, & nausea. We told the Dr's that under no condition will they tell us to give Brandon "just Tylenol" if he complains of a headache like before. We want Brandon to be as comfortable as possible & we do not want him traumatized by having the spinals. The Dr's have agreed to give him something stronger if needed. So we have our fingers crossed that this will be successful. I think several of the parents are planning a trip to Jimo again on Sunday so that will give us something to do. Almost everyone on the 8th floor will be heading home soon. Tami & Tyler leaves tomorrow - I'm happy for them but will miss them dearly. Miles & his dad leave Monday - Savannah & her family will be leaving Thursday. Kameron & her mom leaves a week from tomorrow. Then Corey & his dad Mark leaves right after them. How sad!! We have gotten to know all the families here so it's literally like one big family here. I never thought I would ever say it but I've gotten used to the smell. The first week here was horrible & we were ready to come home just because of it. Now we're getting tired of eating the same things. Pizza & chicken. Pizza for lunch, chicken for dinner. Sometimes we have pizza AND chicken together. Last night I had chicken & John had pizza (Brandon found brownies at the RT Mart so he's happy to eat those for dinner). I ordered smoked chicken last night and when I saw it, I was scared. It was kinda slimy and glazed with something. I asked Tami if she would like to try it so we had a stand off on who would try it first. She went first and since she didn't fall down dead, I figured it would probably be ok. It was brown meat (someone thought it looked like duck). It tasted "okay" not great. I ate one piece and half of another before I gave up. I just couldn't fool my body into believing it was chicken or that it was good. So today for lunch we If we never look at pizza again it will be too soon. I would normally make Brandon eat something healthier than brownies for dinner however that's probably the safest thing for him to eat here so until we get back home, brownies it is!! Well 30 minutes before he has the spinal so I need to go & get everything ready. I'll update on how things are going afterwards - hope everyone back home is well. Sorry I haven't been doing individual e-mail very often. It really has been hectic here. I'll try to do better!! Photos: 1st - Brandon & the nurses today as they start his IV bag. 2nd - Brandon & John go walking around the 8th floor before the spinal treatment. After the treatment he has to stay on his back for 6 hours so we try to get him tired before the treatment. 3rd - A few of the parents out in the day room ~ the famous comfy orange sofas. 4th - The door to our "home" 5th - John & Brandon hanging out on his bed before treatment today.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

2:49 am (Thursday morning)

Sorry it's taken so long to update. We wanted to find out as much as we could and create a game plan before we did another update. First of all let me put every one's mind at ease - Brandon is ok. We took Brandon to another hospital 40 minutes away by taxi where they did an MRI. We had a Dr & a translator with us so it helped. While we waited for the MRI scans, the translator (Jessie), John, Brandon & I went to McDonald's for lunch. That was the first time we had been so close to McDonald's so we couldn't pass up the opportunity. Everything tasted similar to McDonald's back home (not quite but pretty close). We ordered plenty to take back to the hospital & that's what we had for dinner. Anyway once we got the MRI scans, we headed back to the hospital. The taxi driver took us on a "short cut" which only aggravated Brandon's headache even more. We took dirt roads filled with pot holes, paved roads filled with pot holes. It was rough! The translator informed the taxi driver that we don't care about short cuts, just get us on smoother ground so Brandon wouldn't hurt as bad. Once we got to the hospital, we were informed that the Dr's would look at the MRI in the morning. So we had another sleepless night wondering what the report would say. Around 9 am this morning we found our room full of Dr's & one holding a camcorder. They talked but we understood very little. We eventually asked Kirshner if she would come in and help us understand what they were saying. She said that because of Brandon's scar from his surgery (when he was a year and a half) there is now pressure on his brain. She said that the scar has created a narrow passage & that's what is causing pressure - NOT fluid which is kinda good news. She also informed us that Brandon has demilization (probably not spelled right). It means that he has some white brain matter that has either died or was never there. There is a couple of theories about that. We were told that part of Brandon's brain died either when the sutures closed too soon in his head or it's dying because of the intracranial pressure. Now does that mean his brain is becoming worse over time with the pressure & it will continue to get worse? We don't know. We were left with alot more questions than answers. We were also told that if we choose, we can continue with Brandon's stem cell treatment (IV only). Brandon is no longer a case study due to this latest development but we're still able to continue. We were told that we probably won't see results like the others simply because the stem cells are like magnets. They will find the part of Brandon's brain that is damaged and will try to repair that instead of going to his optic nerves. There is also the chance that part of them will go to the damaged area of his brain & part will go to his optic nerve. I spoke to a very good neurologist back in Colorado Springs a little while ago & asked what his opinion is. He said that the spinal test isn't that accurate and although he is "alarmed" with that high of an intracranial pressure (if indeed it is that high), he would want to do more testing. He also said that he is finding more children who has had surgery to fix the cranial stenstosis (also probably not spelled right) is having problems now (5-10 yrs after their surgery) with intracranial pressure. He said that the original surgery was not performed correctly & they're having to go back in and "redo" it. He said that in Brandon's case since he is too old to essentially "grow" bone, they would have to completely reconstruct Brandon's whole skull. But again we need more testing before we actually know what's going on. In the meantime I wasn't able to get an appointment in to see the neurologist until Sept. 16th. He said that the stem cells couldn't hurt Brandon & that since we're here, we may as well do it. After a long discussion, John & I agree. It may not help his eyesight but it may help the damaged area of his brain. Any improvement will be good. We are deeply saddened by the latest events but are happy that we are now aware of problem with Brandon that could've been fatal if not diagnosed / treated. We don't know what's in store for us in the weeks and months ahead but we know that we have a huge group of people who have Brandon in their hearts & prayers. John will still be leaving China September 1st however Brandon's treatment end date has changed & we will now leave 6 days sooner than originally scheduled. Brandon's last treatment will be Sept. 6th & we will be able to leave on Sept 9th. ** PS. ** We sadly discovered that the women here go all natural under their arms. John is disgusted. Photo's : 1st - Our hospital room with Brandon & John. 2nd - Just outside of McDonald's in a shopping center. (see the McDonald's on the left?) 3rd - John holding Brandon with Jessie the translator outside McDonald's. In order to cross the street, you must take an escalator up to a walkway above the street & take another escalator down on the other side. 4th - Above the street view on the walkway near McDonald's.

Monday, August 18, 2008

7:30 pm

I wanted to wait and update everyone as soon as I had more information but I keep receiving e-mails from people wanting updated. At 4:00 pm Qingdao time, Brandon went into the operating room to receive a spinal (stem cell treatment). We watched as they put him to sleep & I felt so bad for him. Why does my son have to go through this - what did he ever do to deserve this - am I doing the right thing? All those questions flooded through me. About 20 minutes later we were about to go downstairs to get him when the Doctor came to see us. I knew as soon as I saw him that something was wrong. He said that before they do the stem cell treatment, they test the intracranial pressure. Normal is around 180. Brandon's was over 300. They said that it would be too risky to do the treatment and the Dr. said that Brandon needs an MRI to determine what is wrong with him. He mentioned "hydrocephalus" & that scares me. Everything is on hold until we find out the results of his MRI. If it is hydrocephalus, the stem cell treatment will be put off indefinately & we will return to the States. If the results come back okay, they still won't do the spinal treatments but will do the IV treatments. We should know more either tomorrow afternoon or Wednesday. They will transport him to another hospital 40 minutes away to do the MRI since they don't have the machine here. Please keep Brandon in your prayers.